Our Services


Obedience training is beneficial for all dogs and dog owners. We offer answers for all your questions. Obedience through clarity and consistency are key to building a strong foundation and better relationship for you and your dog. wether you’re a new dog owner or want to build a better bond with your dog.

We will cover tasks such as: Sit, Stay, Down, Heel, Come, Place, Wait, Leave-it, and Off.

Behavior modification

Behavior Modification can be all things from aggression, fear, insecurity, resource guarding, Reactivity on and off leash, and many more. Our goal is to change the dynamic of the dogs thinking when it comes to their triggers and help you the owner to manage these behaviors and to live your best life with you dog who has any behavioral issues. We want to help you learn their triggers, know their body language and to know what to do when these arise.


The rewards of trusting your dog off leash helps you control them at home and in public spaces. Manage them in case of emergency. Enjoy hikes, walks, and all the joys that off leash has to offer. The possibilities are endless.